
orthopedist doctors consultation

Medicine is one of the sciences that covers more specialties. The medical branches are in charge of solving various problems of the body; In the case of musculoskeletal system problems, orthopedics and traumatology are the indicated option. An orthopedist is essential in cases where the health of the muscles, bones and joints are affected by natural wear and tear, use or congenital problems that affect the normal movement of the body.

On many occasions, muscle, bone and joint pain is suffered. In most cases they are associated with some activities or due to the same age, and are discarded as they are believed to be of minor importance. Even sometimes to relieve pain, they self-prescribe painkillers, which can be very dangerous.

For this reason, when back pain occurs, hip injuries, arthritic knees, as well as neck muscle stiffness, just to mention some of the most common musculoskeletal ailments that affect a significant percentage of Mexicans, an orthopedic specialist should be seen immediately.

Musculoskeletal ailments represent a common problem in the population, derived especially from bad habits at work, and when physical activities and accidents are carried out, but they are also a consequence of age due to the natural wear and tear of the body. To a lesser extent, congenital disorders can also be found.

Orthopedists specialize in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and diseases in general. Although they can also be sub-specialized to treat more specific conditions in certain areas of the body, such as feet and ankles, hands, shoulders and elbows, spine, knees, and hips.

An orthopedist is trained to make the proper diagnosis of the condition and treat it with a non-surgical or surgical procedure, depending on the type of disease, its level of damage and the area where it is located. That is why her professional training can extend up to ten years before she can practice.

It is undoubtedly a very arduous task so that patients can receive the best care, comprehensive treatment and avoid complications during the treatment and recovery process. Therefore, receiving the attention of an orthopedic specialist is essential for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.

When to see an orthopedist?

The main conditions treated by orthopedic doctors are the most common reasons why a person goes to the doctor, although it is often thought that pain can be treated by a general practitioner. For this reason, it is necessary to know which are the most common ailments treated by orthopedic specialists, so that in case of suffering one, go directly to the orthopedists.

They can be divided depending on the area of ​​the body that is affected. If the condition is very serious, the orthopedist can send them to a traumatologist, who will apply a treatment from a different point of view. The list of conditions is very extensive, so to avoid confusing them and to identify them more easily, they should be divided by different areas of the body.

We start with the spine, which is the axis of the human body and the most important structure, which offers support, balance and allows movement. Due to its importance and function, it is subjected to a high mechanical demand and has a very high degree of wear over the years. Due to this and the type of activities they carry out on a daily basis, it is very possible and common for them to suffer rapid wear and deterioration of the elements that make up the spine, mainly the intervertebral discs. Consequently, it becomes susceptible to suffering a condition that must be treated as soon as possible. In addition to the possible congenital conditions that can be suffered, among the main conditions that occur in this area and are treated by orthopedists are low back pain, herniated discs, radiculopathies,

Another common area where musculoskeletal conditions are suffered is the knee. Despite the fact that most people give little importance to the knee, it is one of the most important structures of the lower extremities, since it allows walking, running, standing and sitting. It is made up of three parts: the patella, the distal part and the proximal part, as well as some ligaments, tendons and muscles. It is subjected to high functional demands, especially if you lead a sports life or perform high-impact activities, such as carrying heavy objects, running or climbing stairs constantly. Natural wear and tear, together with other factors, can affect it, exposing the knee to a vast number of injuries, among the most common we find: ligament tears, misalignment of the tear, cysts,

The ankle and foot are parts of the body that bear all the weight when standing, walking or running. They are very complex structures that are made up of 27 bones, plus different joints, muscles and ligaments. It is one of the areas most affected by traumatic injuries, although they are also susceptible to malformations and deformations, especially if you do not have the proper posture to walk, if you use the wrong shoes or have bad habits when running or walking; Also if you are overweight or obese. Among the main ailments suffered by this area, we can mention: dysplasias and deformations, such as equinus foot.

Finally, diseases of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand (the upper extremities) are very common nowadays, due to the fact that office activities demand too much of them. As for the shoulder and elbow, they are joints that offer mobility to the arm, which is why they are susceptible to different degenerative conditions and tissue ruptures when they are subjected to activities that exceed their capacity. For their part, the hand and wrist are more complex structures. Their function is to perform fine and precision movements, which is why they are made up of a large amount of nervous tissue, muscles, joints, ligaments and bones. The main injuries treated by orthopedists in this area are related to wear and overuse, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, some types of rheumatoid arthritis,

The musculoskeletal system has many functions and is subjected to more physical demands than other parts of the body, so it is more susceptible to various injuries and conditions that have different origins. Your care must be constant and when there is any inconvenience you must have an adequate diagnosis, treatment and care, so you must immediately go to an orthopedist.
