Nutritional supplements: what they are and when they should be taken

Returning to school or working life can be a complicated adaptation process, both physically and mentally. For this reason, many people go to a nutritional coach to help them better cope with those days by incorporating nutritional supplements or correcting eating habits.

For many, nutritional supplements are a totally unknown topic. Today we explain what their benefits are and when it is convenient to take them. Keep reading our post and take note!

What are nutritional supplements?

A nutritional supplement or food supplement is a concentrated nutrient that provides the necessary energy at the right time. They can be made up of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances that come in pill or dragee form. By ingesting them, the body receives the amount it needs to function properly.

Due to the amount of pesticides and herbicides used in the production of plant and animal foods, foods can lose part of their vitamin and mineral components. In these cases, the intake of dietary supplements can provide the vitamin and/or mineral in its complete composition.

Depending on the amount of nutrients required, the supplement will be of a higher or lower dose. It is important to have the supervision of a professional, since excessive consumption can cause totally opposite effects and harm our health.

When should they be taken?

Taking nutritional supplements is recommended when the body makes an overexertion and finds it difficult to function normally. It may be that you are going through moments of stress, days of insomnia, or that you have neglected your diet. It is in these situations when it is considered convenient to resort to this type of complements.

So nutritional supplements are taken punctually. This detail is important, since a healthy and balanced diet already provides all the nutrients needed, although there are usually exceptions.

Risk control

The active ingredients contained in the supplements have a strong biological effect on the body. Therefore, several aspects must be evaluated before consumption:

You should avoid combining different supplements.

Do not take supplements if you are taking medication.

The consumption of prescription medications should not be replaced by nutritional supplements.

Intake must be controlled: do not take too much of some supplements such as vitamin A, vitamin D or iron, since it can generate the opposite effect to the one we are looking for and complicate the state of health.

It must be borne in mind that eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, cereals, healthy fats, and proteins is the main advice that any dietitian recommends for leading a healthy life.


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